Thursday, October 11, 2007

Money: A nuisance?

Yes. A big one at that.
Since my dad got a job... things have been doing a little better here at home as far as the money aspect goes.

Fall Convention is coming up in about three weeks.
It was about three weeks ago that I asked my parents if I could have the money to go, they told me I could.
Well, that all got ruined about two weeks ago.
I got a ticket for $94.
Since it wasn't my fault, they told me that I don't have to come up with the money, and they would pay for it.
But that means that I can't have the money for convention.
Okay... they didn't tell me that... But I feel bad enough about the ticket, I don't want them to fork out all this money for me.
65+94= $159... plus extra for me to eat on at convetion and whatnot.
Money seems to hinder me from a lot of things. -_-

I want to pull my hair out.

I'm slowly bringing up my grades.
Although, I'm not exactly sure what they are right now.
But three weeks ago, I had an F in Chemistry, a D in Algebra, and a C in English.
My teacher is working with me more in Algebra to help me understand.
My English grade was low because we had only had one test and I didn't score very high on that.
Annnnd in Chemistry, I'm working harder to focus more on understanding what I'm doing instead of freaking out over homework.
It seems to be working so far.

That's an update on my life.

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