Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If you've never seen the movie Good Luck ChuckI'll give you a quick overview.
So basically Charlie [played by Dane Cook].. Sleeps with a girl, and after that she finds the one she loves..and goes on to marry that person.
The whole point of this is that I am prettymuch like Charlie. Except for the sleeping with them part. ha.
I would date someone...Or like them a whole lot.. [either situation seems to work in this case ><]And when we break up or whatever, they'd date one of my friends.Except, the friend that they'd date,Would be the friend of mine that they would have never known if it wasn't for me introducing them.
This has happened to me with almost every relationship I've been in.And. It's happening to me again.
Katelin and I have had a thing for a few months now, And a week ago I told her it just wouldn't work. Now, she and Becca ... I dont even know what to call it..
I am crazy about Becca. In love with her, if you will? And the only reason they know each other is of me.
I was told today about them. And went for about 3 periods, Crying my eyes out.
Even though I have a girlfriend now, It can't help the fact that I care so much about Becca.
At this point, I'm at a loss.
And I have no idea what I should do.
I've never cried over a girl like this..

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