Sunday, November 11, 2007


As a good friend of mine told me today, "Time is not constant, it is relative."
I have no idea what he meant, and still don't.
But at the same time, I knew exactly what it meant.
Strange huh?

Anyway, the whole point of him saying that was talking about having so much homework, and no time to do anything, or get anything done.

I've had so much homework lately, and so many other things to do and worry about.

On Saturday, I woke up at 11 AM, did absolutely nothing with my day, and fell asleep at 4:30 PM.
I didn't wake up until today, at 5AM.
My dad and I went out and bought my mom a birthday card and balloon,
Then I came home and took a shower, found myself a ride for church... and a few hours later, I was at church.
At this point I'm almost losing my head because I'm doing this fundraiser for Orchestra..
I'm keeping track of all this money and I feel like I'm under a lot of pressure.
I get home from church sometime after 1PM.
The only thing I had accomplished was my Algebra homework.
Time goes by, and then we go out to dinner for my moms birthday.
That was nice. Except both of my parents learned one thing new about me that one knew and the other didn't. That was fun I suppose.
We get home, it's a little after 9... and I realize, I didn't do my laundry when I got home from church like I said I would. I also didn't do any of my Chemistry homework.
By this time I start freaking out because I have a test in Chemistry tomorrow, and I have no idea what any of the chapter is about, and I'm already failing that class.
Then I think about how I'm failing Algebra 3/4, and my teacher told me I need to retake the second semester of Algebra 1/2, and then it pops into my head about how I failed the last test I took in that class.
Oh boy. Tomorrow is Monday. What a wonderful thought for 10:30 PM on a Sunday night when you're thinking about the test you have and the homework you didn't do.

The whole point of this is that There's so much going on in my life, and I don't know what to do with myself anymore.
It never seems to end.
There's so much drama. One thing after another and another.
I'm so confused over so many things.
But I don't have the time to think about these things because I'm already busy enough.

I need a break from life.
Thanksgiving break is coming up, but I fear that break isn't going to be enough.
Hopefully it'll help me to get by until Christmas break.
But hey, I get to see my brother over Thanksgiving.
So I guess you could say I'm pretty darn excited.


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